Offshore HVDC grids – present and future
October 17, 2011
at Statnett, Oslo, Norway
The scope of the workshop is to facilitate sharing of status and vision regarding the development of offshore grid in North Sea. Relevant stakeholders – TSOs, utilities and academia – are invited to share their experiences and visions with OffshoreDC project partners.
It is our objective to use this opportunity for establishing the state-of-the-art in DC grids development and – based on this – to develop consensus towards the governing technical principles for establishing future HVDC offshore grids. Reference cases, starting from market limitations, relevant for studying the feasibility of future offshore HVDC grids in North Europe will be defined.
10:00 |
Welcome and Workshop Objectives |
Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Risø DTU, Denmark |
10:30 - 11.30
OffshoreDC Structure and Objectives
Statnett Offshore DC Workshop
Statnett activities related to offshore
Poul Sørensen, Risø DTU, Denmark
Øyvind Rui, Statnett, Norway
Kjartan Hauglum, Statnett, Norway
Peter Børre Eriksen/Antje Gesa Orths, Denmark
11:30 - 12:30 |
Lunch |
12:30 - 13:15 |
Control Centre Visit |
13:15 - 14:30 |
Lennart Harnefors, ABB, Sweden
Joachim Holbøll, DTU Elektro, Denmark
Kjetil Uhlen, NTNU, Norway
14:30 - 14:45 |
Coffee break |
14:45 - 16:00 |
OffshoreGrid project
TWENTIES project
Electricity market design in multinational
offshore grids
Leif Warland, SINTEF Energy, Norway
Keith Bell, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Sascha Schröder, Risø DTU, Denmark
16:00 - 17:00 |
Round table - conclusions |
Moderator: Kjetil Uhlen, NTNU, Norway |